So, we've moved and we are three weeks into our two month holiday. Unfortunately we're not going anywhere this summer. This due to the fact that we have to paint and redecorate and do all house related stuff. Not bad, not bad at all, 'cause really, this house needs a painting job. However, it does make me a bit sad that I can't see the coast of France, Italy, Spain,... this year since we kinda planned last year that this year we'd be going on a little road trip through southern Europe. To ease my wanderlust I started project postcard which is me asking you to send me a postcard from your holiday location. In return I'll send the prettiest handmade postcard from Ghent you'll have ever seen. So if you feel like sending me a card, email me over at info@deathstaronamission.com and we'll get in touch!
Enjoy your holidays kiddos!
Enjoy your holidays kiddos!
Haha, mijn schoonzus kocht éxact hetzelfde kaartje dit weekend in Kopenhagen ;-) wij gaan nog op kampeervakantie naar Frankrijk in september, ik stuur je dan heel graag een kaartje. Maar daar stuur ik nog een mailtje voor!