Those of you who've been around here know I've been struggling with sinus infections for quite a while now. It got better last summer, but kicked back hard this winter season. So I went to see a doctor specialised in these kinds of things and the verdict is quite clear, surgery. I've never had surgery before, so I'm rather scared. I don't know what to expect or what to do to be as prepared as possible. I'm also picturing the worst situations in my head as we speak. So if you have any tips & tricks, please let me know. In the mean time, I've been tested for allergies and that turned out clear. Hooray. And I took out my septum piercing which leaves me feeling rather naked when walking down the streets.
That's it for now. Enjoy your (hopefully) sunny day!
That's it for now. Enjoy your (hopefully) sunny day!

No stress... Je mag gewoon een dutje doen terwijl je gewoon verder betaald wordt! ;-)